Check-in at the HEINhotel is available for you around the clock, 365 days a year.⌛️ No matter whether you arrive late in the evening, in the middle of the night or during the day! 🌙 Do you have a stopover in Vienna or would you like to take a short break during the day? That's no problem: our day rooms are perfect for a short or longer break to freshen up. 🚿 And if you like to sleep longer in the morning, simply take advantage of our late check-out and stay in your room until 3 pm. 💤 Because time doesn't matter to us as long as you feel comfortable. 😌
at the hotel reception
daily from
6 am - 11 pm
For an extra charge, an
early check-in is
possible from 10 am
at the hotel reception
daily from
6 am - 11 pm
For an extra charge, an
early check-in is
possible from 10 am
key box
daily from
11 pm - 6 am
key box
daily from
11 pm - 6 am
until 11 am
For an extra charge, a
late check-out is
possible until 3 pm
until 11 am
For an extra charge, a
late check-out is
possible until 3 pm